Context Modeling : An approach to the system modeling

Context modeling is basically the modeling, that is used to illustrate the operational context of the system that is to be made. This modeling shows what things lies outside the system boundaries. The definition of the system boundaries is not a value free judgment. At the very early stage of the requirements decitation and the analysis process the boundaries must be defined. Basically, the social and organizational concerns must affect the position of the system boundaries. This modeling helps the system stakeholders, what functionalities should be included and what is being provided by the system context.

Context model shows that the environment includes the several other automated system. Although it does not show the relationship between the system in the environment and the system that is being specified. External system might produce the data for the system or consume the data from the system. such system may be directly connected directly or via network or not at all.

Hence, the simple context models are used along with other models such as business process model. They help in describing the human and automated process in the specific software system are used. It shows how a system that is being modeled is positioned in an environment with the other system and process. They also help in defining the boundaries of the system to be developed.

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