App development in windows 8

As being developer, I took a training for developing windows store apps. And currently running the training authentically from the MIC Nepal. Well, I don’t think there is the thing to worry for those who are not the hardcore programmer. The things you need to develop apps in windows 8 is windows 8 installed on your laptop, visual studio express for windows 8 and a developer license( which is free of cost, just you need to have to log on to the Microsoft account through visual studio to get the license ). And then you start the working on the app. If you know any programming language then worry not, its not the big deal. Just if you know c language, you can develop apps in couple of week. You need not be the hardcore programmer. it’s the fact that for the app development contains 10% to 20% of coding, rest is designing. Believe it or not just a programming concept can help you to develop the app in windows 8. The most interesting part of app development is animation. Its very easy to do animation. I bet you will love to do the animation part for the various purpose. Happy windows 8 app programming. Smile

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