Windows 8: a new experience

Its not been a long time for me  using windows 8. I have been using  it since September but I am addicted to it. I was little bit confused and afraid of using windows 8 as I had much more important documents. I had a lot of sdks installed on it. But my one of friend told me that switching on windows 8 would be the greatest experience. and I did it and I found myself into a new world. The features I liked in it was resetting on to the factory settings. And also the new stuff like, switching into live account. It felt really good to experience such stuffs in the windows for the first time. The concept of apps made it look very beautiful and gave a new look. many people are still arguing about the “start button”, but for me it worth nothing as the user can experience and explore the new stuffs. One can download the apps from windows store anytime they want. They can install the apps they like. I feel really good to experience such a thing in windows. If you really want to experience a new thing I recommend you to use windows 8. You will really experience a new world from there.

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