Benefits of private and public clouds

According to the survey, as the reports generated says that cloud computing lets to

  • deploy the application 65% more quickly,
  • scale up and down the business needs by 65%,
  • reduction of replacing the infrastructure by 53%,
  • and introducing the new products and services by 52% faster.

These are the survey results that I found in one of the whitepapers by CIO. It also specifies the benefits of the cloud that are listed as below:

  • For Private Cloud:
    • Increases the IT efficiencies and reduction of the costs
    • shortening the provisioning time.
    • Improved the service license agreement
  • For the Public Cloud :
    • The ability to buy and use the resources as per required.
    • Scale up and down as per business requirements.
    • And also shortening the provisioning time.

Here are some data related to the benefits of public and private cloud that i got from the whitepaper of CIO. Have a look at it.

benefits of cloud computing

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