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Important Questions

  • Write about OSI Reference Model & TCP/IP Models?
  • Comprise between Circuit, Message & Packet Switching.
  • Define Data link layer and its services ? Brief about Slotted Aloha & Pure Aloha.
  • Discuss about Frame Relay & ATM.
  • Discuss CRC as an error detection mechanism with example.
  • Explain about DLL Protocol of PPP.
  • Comparison IPv4 and IPv6 Datagram Formats.
  • What do you mean by hierarchical routing? Discuss link state routing algorithm in detail.
  • What is routing? Differentiate between Non-adaptive algorithm and adaptive algorithm.
  • Explain the TCP Congestion Control Principle and its approaches.
  • Explain DNS and the Query Types
  • What are the Components of Network Management architecture.
  • Write Types of Multimedia Networking application & Brief about SCTP.
  • Different between Transport Layer and Network Layer
  • What is routing? Differentiate between Non-adaptive algorithm and adaptive algorithm.
  • Define Transmission media. Discuss different guided & unguided transmission in details.
  • Consider- We have a big single network having IP Address We want to do subnetting and divide this network into 4 subnets. Find each of subnets details below
    • IP Address of the subnet
    • Total number of IP Addresses
    • Total number of hosts that can be configured
    • Range of IP Addresses
    • Direct Broadcast Address

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