Get the input in Rust

Get the input in Rust

I started learning Rust lately. Kind of interesting but more to learn. Here is the program that help to get the input from user in console. I am sure this might help you.

Get the input
fn main() {
    print!("Please enter some text: ");
    let input=get_input(); 
    println!("Input = {0}", input);

The following code defines how you write functions.

fn get_input() -> String { return someString;}

Below is the function to get input from the stream and return as string.

fn get_input() -> String {
    use std::io::{stdin,stdout,Write};
    let mut s=String::new();
    let _=stdout().flush();
    stdin().read_line(&mut s).expect("Did not enter a correct string");
    if let Some('\n')=s.chars().next_back() {
    if let Some('\r')=s.chars().next_back() {
   return s;

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