Knowing Visual Studio

Visual studio is found to be versatile IDE. One can have a lots of working environment in visual studio. The interface for visual studio is just given below.



Once you are working in this environment, you should know something about the visual studio environment some of the terms you need to know is

  1. Start page: This is the main page where you enter to visual studio.You can either create a new project or open an existing project. For any latest news you can have the view from the next portion of start page.
  2. Title bar: Title bar consists of the title of the project you are working on.
  3. Menu bar: Consists of various types of menus where you can perform maximum operations.
  4. Status bar: Consists of the status report of the project you are working on.
  5. Toolbox: Consists of various types of controls for your project that you are working on. Toolbox item may be different from your project types. Just you need is to drag and drop your tool in the design pane.
  6. Solution explorer: Here your all the project files are registered. You can see your all project files over here.
  7. Properties: Here you can design the interface of your tool. Once you design the interface, it comes with the standard type. you can modify them exploring and editing the tool properties. Various tool have their own properties.
  8. Error list: If found any errors while building the solution, the errors are listed here .

There are a lot of tools and lot of terms in visual studio. Once you get familiar with these things you can easily have a good interface and better programming with visual studio. Smile

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