The Top Jobs for 2013 – Forbes

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Looking for a new career? Here are the top jobs for 2013.


The study used EMSI’s rich labor market database, which pulls from over 90 national and state employment resources and includes detailed information on employees and self-employed workers, to find the 18 top jobs for 2013, based on the occupations with the most jobs added since 2010.


Occupations requiring a bachelor’s degrees that have produced the most jobs post-recession include:

No. 1 Software Developers (Applications and Systems Software)

70,872 jobs added since 2010, 7% growth


No. 4 Computer Systems Analysts

26,937 jobs added since 2010, 5% growth


No. 6 Network and Computer Systems Administrators

18,626 jobs added since 2010, 5% growth


No. 8 Information Security Analysts, Web Developers and Computer Network Architects

15,715 jobs added since 2010, 5% growth


No. 11 Computer Programmers

11,540 jobs added since 2010, 3% growth


No. 15 Database Administrators


Chandan Gupta‘s insight:

so think of what you want to do? and gear up with it. And one more thing i want to share which my dad once told me  "if you are skillful then you can get the job"

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