Brainstorm, the pathway for successful product

Everybody wants to build the product that can takeover the market. So what can we do to build the better software? This question always remains in the head of a developer. Once the software or any product is developed, he/she may be having nightmare. They might not sleep for a week thinking about the market value of their product. This could be solved when the work is done after planning. I remember the good quote of a character Col. John Hannibal Smith from the movie The A-Team,

I love it when the plan comes together.

Everyone loves when the plan comes together. This is all about brainstorming because you get success when you storm a thought. Everybody has the idea, and maybe that idea can change his life.

All we need is to have the craziest idea, whatever it is. Do not think about anything just think about the idea as I said before that the idea can change your life. After having craziest idea start working on the plan for the product. During this process, decide what your product should have so that it can change the user intention to have it. What your product is great at so the user shall use it? Now the next thing is thinking about the user activities to your product. You should be clear about what comes first and what comes next. Be clear about the UI flow of your product. After this stuff workout with the prototype. I guess you know about the prototype. Apart from this you need to be clear about the features to be included to your product. Like using the features of hardware access to some levels. Now the thing comes to design UI for your product, organize it, do some coding stuff in it and deploy it. Always remember to make a good first impression as we all know that ‘A good impression is the last impression’. Now the time is to validate your design and stuff. If there is any problem then review your work and figure it out where the problem is? So you are finally on the way and good luck for it.

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