If you asked me about the SMS API, a few months ago i would have failed to answer you. But working on the academic project
Category: Code stuffs
Calling a function at certain interval of time
Here is the piece of code that helps you to update a function at certain interval of time. The time is usually calculated in milliseconds.
Code for drawing a line using Bresenham algorithm in Javascript
Here is the snippet for drawing a line in javascript. function drawline(xa,ya,xb,yb){ var dx=Math.abs(xa-xb); var dy=Math.abs(ya-yb); var p=2*dy-dx; var twody=2*dy; var twodydx=2*(dy-dx); var x,y,xend;
Drawing a single pixel on Javascript
well after a long procedure and searching for a whole day to draw a single pixel on a HTML5 canvas, this code as I wrote
Online compilers for your codes
If you are a programmer, you must be compiling your code stuffs in the PC. But are you aware that there are some online compilers.
Hello world in C#
// A Hello World! program in C#using System;namespace HelloWorld{ class Hello { static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”); // Keep the console
Knowing Visual Studio
Visual studio is found to be versatile IDE. One can have a lots of working environment in visual studio. The interface for visual studio is
Versatile IDE
Talking to most of the developers, I found them working on such environment that is versatile and easy to use. The .NET developers use visual