Extension methods are static methods behaving like instance methods. We generally use this so that we can use this function as a part of that object. In this article I will show you by creating the Null Checking Extension on C# on string types. I have taken this null checking extension in string because it is easy to understand. I bet you will love this extension method and will give you a head start if you want to create a complex one.
Lets create the static class named as “StringExtensions”
public static class StringExtensions
// Some codes here
Now lets add a function that returns empty if the string is null. Of course the function will be static because the class is static, right?
public static string EmptyIfNull(this string text)
return text ?? String.Empty;
And lets add another one as well that will return null if the string is empty.
public static string NullIfEmpty(this string text)
return String.Empty == text ? null : text;
Compiling together everything
public static class StringExtensions
public static string EmptyIfNull(this string text)
return text ?? String.Empty;
public static string NullIfEmpty(this string text)
return String.Empty == text ? null : text;
string nullString = null;
string emptyString = nullString.EmptyIfNull();// will return ""
string anotherNullString = emptyString.NullIfEmpty(); // will return null
Don’t forget the namespace at the top! I know you will figure that out by yourself. I hope you know now. Good luck and Happy Coding! 🙂