Here is the C# program that can find the nth (100000 in this program) prime number: The program starts by initializing primeCount to 0, which
Tag: c#
Write a program to find the maximum element in an array using linear search.
In computer science, searching for a particular element in a data structure is a very common task. One of the simplest ways to search for
ProjectEuler : Multiple of 3 And 5
Multiple of 3 And 5: Q1 From ProjectEuler.NET Description If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5,
Runtime Compile C# Code
Well have you ever wondered to write the C# code in string and execute them? In this blog I will tell you how to Runtime
Lets Create a Null Checking Extension on C#
Extension methods are static methods behaving like instance methods. We generally use this so that we can use this function as a part of that
How to encrypt and decrypt using cryptography (AES)?
Encryption Code Decryption Code Usage