Working with Xamarin.Android

Hey everyone, recently I have been working on the Xamarin Android, If you don’t know about it, I recommend you  to have a look at it once. Xamarin.Android is where you can build the native type android application using Xamarin. And the best part is, you can see the  native structure in the solution, but the backend is based in C#. Which means that, if you know the C# and structure of android you  can have the android application built easily. There are 4 different template where you can actually get started. Once of the sample I have listed below. You can find others in your visual studio.

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See the structure is simple. Here is the code base where you can actually see what it looks like.

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See, the backend code is in C#. I recently tried to learn the xamarin during this Covid-19 lockdown and its quite productive.  I hope you will learn too. I will keep posting about Xamarin.Android during this and I will surely share my new learnings.

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